Many of our favourite summer flowers are annuals, or plants that live for just one season. They are a great addition to any garden and when planted and cared for correctly can give you colourful blooms from spring to late fall. Follow these simple planting directions to start your annuals off on the right foot, and keep them looking their best all summer long.
Step 1
One to two weeks ahead of time, till your garden soil. This will fool weeds into thinking it’s time to start growing and then you can pull them before doing your planting.
Step 2
Keep annuals in a cool, lightly shaded area until ready to plant. Keep them watered until you’re ready to put them in, so the tender roots and shoots don’t dry out.
Step 3
When you’re ready to start planting, space the seedlings out in the garden, allowing enough room for each plant to reach its full size.
Step 4
Place each plant in its own hole, or dig a trench for a row of seedlings. Place the plants in carefully. Fill around the roots with dirt. Gently pat down the soil around your new plant. Water well.
Step 5
When they first go in use a good transplant fertilizer, like Plant-Prod® Plant Starter Fertilizer 10-52-10 to help encourage strong roots. Then after a few weeks switch to a plant specific fertilizer to feed your new plants and encourage lots of top growth and with large brighter blooms.
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