Controlling Ants since 1880, over 135 years!
Controlling Ants since 1880, over 135 years!
Canada’s Gardening Guru” Mark Cullen shares how to get a lush green lawn in only 3 steps.
Mice will usually live in holes or burrows throughout grassy or bushy areas. Left-over fall leaves or even garden mulches can provide a perfect habitat for mice. They generally feed on seeds, bulbs, vegetables, flowers, birdseed, pet food, and young tree bark. Some mice can even fit through an opening no bigger than a dime…. Read more »
Many summer-flowering bulbs and corms need to be protected from freezing temperatures. They are stored indoors from the first fall frost until the following spring. Most summer-flowering bulbs come from warm climates and prefer to be started in warm soil. Planting many types of bulbs early indoors gives them a head start to the season… Read more »
When the soil in a flower bed is left to itself, it degrades and compacts, making the cultivation of ornamental plants more difficult. To counter this deterioration and to improve the quality of your soil, add compost each spring in your flowerbeds. In addition, most commercial composts, or the one you are making yourself, contain… Read more »
Reading seed catalogues is a familiar ritual for gardeners. In addition to the pleasure afforded by this activity, creating seedlings is an economical way to propagate certain ornamental and fruit and vegetable plants. Here are a few tips for success. Sowing your seeds A wide variety of vegetables and annuals may be sown indoors in… Read more »
When constructing a home, the first step is the same every time – build a strong foundation. When it comes to gardening, the same is true: the success of your plants relies on a strong foundation underground – your soil. In order to build a strong soil foundation, you must first understand the type of… Read more »
Planning is crucial to a successful vegetable garden. Here are a few things to consider when laying out your garden: TIMING: Relate choices and the number of plants to timing. A dozen heads of lettuce may not sound like a lot, but it is a lot if they’re all ready on the same day. If… Read more »
APHIDS Tiny, soft insects that cluster on the underside of leaves, stems and buds and suck plant juices. Aphids multiply quickly and with large numbers will rapidly cause a lot of damage to all crops. Feeding Aphids create a sticky residue on plants called honeydew, which may also attract ants. So if you see ants… Read more »
A beautiful rose garden has always been a sign of an accomplished gardener because roses can be finicky. They need more care than other flowers do and they need to be planted just so. Follow these steps to start your rose garden off on the right foot. Step 1 When buying your roses it’s best… Read more »
Mulch isn’t just for looks. By simply spreading some over your garden, you can keep wind from eroding the soil, prevent moisture evaporation during dry periods, reduce runoff, and moderate soil temperatures. Mulch also helps control weeds, and can even prevent insects that over-winter in the soil from emerging to lay eggs on new plants…. Read more »
Clay soil impedes the flow of water, absorbing it slowing and holding onto it for a long time. When wet it’s heavy, sticky and tends to swell, but when dry it shrinks and settles and can be as hard as concrete. It’s made up of closely packed, tiny particles that hold on to water and… Read more »